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Calculus I - MATH 140 (STEM Academy)

Thursday, February 06, 2025

6:00pm - 8:00pm

KleinLife: Northeast Philadelphia


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Differential calculus topics include derivatives and their applications to rates of change, related rates, linearization, optimization, and graphing techniques. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, relating differential and integral calculus begins the study of Integral Calculus. Antidifferentiation and the technique of substitution is used in integration applications of finding areas of plane figures and volumes of solids of revolution.

Students must be currently enrolled in the 11th or 12th grade in a local high school and able to demonstrate adequate academic preparation, as evidenced by a >2.8 GPA, success in AP or Honors courses, and/or a letter of support from their guidance counselor and/or teacher. Solid mastery of pre-calculus (algebra and trigonometry) is required.

Classes are held Tuesday & Thursday (February 4 – May 8, 2025; No class April 15 & 17)
Time: 6:00-8:00pm

Penn State provides a 50% tuition reduction waiver for all enrolled students making the cost $1,221 for the 4-credit course. KleinLife offers $870 scholarships for students based on circumstance, need, or income limitations. Eligible students end up paying $351.

Some high schools will cover the remainder provided students succeed in the course. Check with your school counselor.

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