그림의 요소
목요일, 11월 11, 2021
목요일, 11월 11, 2021
KleinLife에서: 필라델피아 북동부
By observing real life set-ups, you will focus on how to create line, form, volume, shadow and light. Develop your own techniques and learn some new ones while making your own fabulous artwork. Led by Irene Sfakianos.
Thursday, November 4, 11, 18,& December 2 • 12:30pm • $50/4 sessions
모든 기술 수준을 환영합니다!
Payment and registration must be received at the front desk prior to class. Cost includes all sessions and some supplies.
자세한 내용은 sgeltzer@kleinlife.org로 Shelley Geltzer에게 문의하거나 215-698-7300 x129로 전화하세요.
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