Collaborating in Crisis to Strengthen Community
Proving that when we work together, we can make a positive change.

Dear All,
I want to share a recent situation that highlights the challenges faced by our Jewish community in Northeast Philadelphia and the power of collaboration among agencies working together to address them.
Last week, we received a call from the service coordinator at Federation Housing’s Tabas House about a troubling issue involving the SNAP (Food Stamp) benefit skimming. This scam left many seniors with no food stamps and in dire circumstances, with a dozen victims residing at Tabas House alone.
I am proud to say that, together with our dedicated partners, we responded swiftly and compassionately:
- Fredric Byarm, our Food Sufficiency Director, ensured that 12 seniors received 14 frozen meals each. These meals were part of the Cook for a Friend program, where synagogue volunteer groups prepare meals that are delivered to KleinLife and then distributed to seniors in need.
- We submitted requests for emergency food assistance (PCA EF) for two seniors, one of whom resides in another Federation Housing building.
- Mitzvah Food Program (MFP), run by the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia out of our building, mobilized to deliver non-perishable food items directly to Tabas.
- Jewish Relief Agency (JRA) extended a helping hand, utilizing a private fund to assist Jewish seniors affected by this crisis.
- The issue was discussed at the NORC Advisory Council meeting, where additional strategies to support these seniors were explored.
This response exemplifies the strength and necessity of collaboration, but it also underscores a harsh reality: poverty remains an urgent issue in Northeast Philadelphia. Eighty-nine percent of our seniors live in households with an annual income below 200% of the poverty line.Food stamps are essential for many of them to secure the nourishment they need.
With so many seniors and families struggling, KleinLife is among the very few Jewish agencies left to provide the safety net they desperately need. While we remain committed to ensuring no senior is left without essential resources, the challenges continue to grow, and resources are increasingly scarce.
I invite you to reflect on this story—not just as a testament to what we can achieve together, but as a powerful reminder of why your involvement is so vital. Every meal delivered, every emergency addressed, and every partnership forged strengthens our community.
I’d like to thank Federation Housing, JFCS, JRA, Jewish Federation and PCA for being wonderful partners!
Thank you for being part of this vital work. Together, we can continue to meet the needs of our neighbors and ensure that no one is left behind.
Stay Warm and May We Go From Strength To Strength!
Andre Krug
KleinLife President and CEO