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ООН признает усилия KleinLife в сфере помощи украинским беженцам в рамках eJewishPhilanthropy

Как программа прошла путь от местного до национального признания за последний год

In June 2023, KleinLife welcomed United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) through their halls, classrooms, and theater to document the stories within the Ukrainian refugee program that has developed into something greater than when it first started over a year ago.

The eJewishPhilathropy, a news publication covering the world of Jewish philanthropy, caught up with KleinLife’s CEO & president, Andre Krug, and UNHCR spokesperson, Kevin Keen, about how the program became a life-saver to those resettling in the Philadelphia area and how the recognition went from local to national.

кликните сюда to read the article featured on eJewishPhilanthropy.

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