Make a difference in the lives of the 35,000+ community members by making a contribution.

Select a Donation Type
General Donation
All gifts matter and with your sustained help, KleinLife will continue to function as a leader in providing services for this diverse community throughout the Greater Philadelphia area.
Tribute Card
Make a donation in memory or in honor of a loved one and we’ll send a card to the recipient of your choice acknowledging your kind tribute.
Donation Form
The KleinLife is classified as an approved , tax-exempt public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code(EIN #27-0840848). KleinLife is registered as a charitable organization with the Department of State’s Bureau of Charitable Organizations under the Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act, 10 P.S Section 162.1 et seq, and is authorized to solicit charitable contributions under the conditions and limitations set forth under the act.
Sharon Kaplan
Donation Support Coordinator
CONTACT 215-698-7300 x132
Ways To Support
Become a KleinLife member and unlock a world of connections, activities, and support right in your neighborhood.