
“即取即走” 餐食领取

星期四, 5 月 19, 2022



  • 此活动已过期。

KleinLife: Montgomery County is offering “Grab & Go” frozen meals once a week. You MUST RESERVE at least a week ahead of time for 5 frozen kosher meals, which will be put into your car in our drive-thru operation.
Suggested Donation: $2 per meal ($10 per week)
Please call 215-635-5244 to be added to the list for meals or to discuss other meal arrangements. Recognizing that many older adults may have difficulty leaving their homes, family members may pick up meals, with prior arrangements and bring the ID of the older adult requesting meals.
Note: The meals come as a variety with no special orders. 5 pre-ordered meals are packed and then are as people arrive with no names on them. The meal menu will be posted in a conspicuous location in each congregate meal site or provided to home delivered meal individuals upon their request.
If you need special orders/accommodations, then you may sign up for our Home Delivered Meals program





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