घटनाक्रम लोड हो रहा है

Grow Hope

गुरूवार, अगस्त 04, 2022


क्लेनलाइफ़: पूर्वोत्तर फिलाडेल्फिया

  • यह आयोजन बीत चुका है.

क्लेनलाइफ़ पर: नॉर्थईस्ट फिलाडेल्फिया
Thousands of children and their mothers who have escaped the horrors of war in Ukraine are now right in our backyard living in the Northeast section of the City of Brotherly Love. They have witnessed casualties and experienced trauma that no child deserves. Their stories of loss and need have not been told…until now.
At KleinLife, we decided to turn helplessness into hope.
In just 6 days, we created a 4-week summer camp for 20 children. A week later we had accepted 40 kids. This camp is giving the children a bit of normalcy when their world is anything but. It is also helping acclimate them to their surroundings and experience the generosity of strangers. There are now hints of smiles on their faces and still so much more to do.
Please join us for the launch of Grow Hope, a campaign to bring attention to the plight of our Ukrainian refugee neighbors, to celebrate the generosity of so many who have made this camp possible, to announce our next wave of programs, and to urge others in our region to step up and plant the seeds of hope so these children can flourish

अपना समर्थन दिखाएं

हमारा मिशन आपके बिना पूरा नहीं हो सकता। आपकी उदारता, हर तरह से, हमारे समुदाय को मजबूत बनाने में महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव डालती है।

जुड़े रहो

हमारी ईमेल सूची में शामिल हों और क्लेनलाइफ समाचार और कार्यक्रमों पर अद्यतन रहें।

"*" आवश्यक फ़ील्ड इंगित करता है