일정표 불러오는 중

수학 1(STEM 아카데미)

수요일, 2월 10, 2027

1:00오후 - 4:00오후

클라인라이프: 필라델피아 북동부

~에 클라인라이프: 필라델피아 북동부

The course is designed for 9th to 12th grade students and covers Algebra I and elements of Algebra II. Students are required to take a placement test.

Classes are held Monday & Wednesday (Oct. 7, 2024– June 11, 2025)
Lesson Time: 1:00pm- 3:00pm
(Optional) Help Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm

Courses are free, but capacity is limited to the first 20 participants

Any George Washington High School student with strong interest in MATH is eligible to participate. The initial math level is determined by a placement test.

Register here

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