일정표 불러오는 중

Passover Seder

수요일, 3월 22, 2023


클라인라이프: 필라델피아 북동부

  • 일정(이벤트)이 종료되었습니다.

KleinLife에서: 필라델피아 북동부
KleinLife and Golden Slipper Club invite you to their Passover Seder. Passover is more than a meal. It’s the re-telling of one of the most important pieces of Jewish history and was meant to be shared with family and friends. Join KleinLife and Golden Slipper Club for a traditional Seder led by Rabbi Sandra Berliner with musical accompaniment by Gene Gelfonson.
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SPACE IS LIMITED • Call 215-698-7300 x193 to reserve your seat by 3/14.
Need transportation? Indicate that you need transportation and how you usually reserve your ride.
Thank you our community partners Northeast Philadelphia Kehillah, Federation Housing, Jewish Family and Children Services, and The Passover League.

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