일정표 불러오는 중

The Supreme Court (OLLI)

월요일, 4월 10, 2023


클라인라이프: 필라델피아 북동부

  • 일정(이벤트)이 종료되었습니다.

KleinLife에서: 필라델피아 북동부
This course will examine the Supreme Court—the least well-known of the three branches of the Federal Government—and highlight its powers, its history, and its personalities.
Specifically, the course will cover:
• Essentials of the Supreme Court—the major building blocks to an understanding of how the Supreme Court works
• History of the Supreme Court—how its role in American government has evolved over the years
• Chief Justices of the Supreme Court—how the skills and personality of each Chief Justice shaped the Court under his leadership
• Unforgettable Personalities of the Supreme Court—the great, near great and far from great judges who have served on the bench
데이비드 허디악 씨가 이끕니다. 허디악(BA Haverford; JD Univ of Pennsylvania Law School)은 35년 이상 변호사 자격을 취득했으며 펜실베이니아, 뉴저지 변호사 협회, 펜실베이니아 동부 지구 및 뉴저지 지구 연방 지방법원의 회원입니다. 그는 수많은 법률 보조원 수업과 로스쿨 입학 시험 준비 세미나를 가르친 광범위한 교육 경험을 가지고 있습니다.
Monday, April 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8 • 12:30pm
$30/5 sessions • All are welcome
Space is limited. For more information & registration, contact OLLI at Widener University, at
olli@widener.edu or 610-499-4279.

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