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Удовлетворение потребности

Сотрудники работают каждый вторник, чтобы удовлетворить запросы на бесплатное и льготное питание.

Сотрудники работают каждый вторник, чтобы удовлетворить запросы на бесплатное и льготное питание.

We are continuing to be overwhelmed with phone calls from our seniors with requests for free or discounted meals. Just in a few hours today, we’ve delivered 1,700 meals! All these meals were packed and delivered by our dedicated staff and volunteers. We’re planning to do these events every Tuesday for the next couple of weeks. I’m also happy to report that we just received a $35,000 emergency grant from the Jewish Federation to continue this program.

As I wrote last week, every penny counts and your contributions in this uneasy time would be greatly appreciated! As always, you can make your donation on www.kleinlife.org.

We’re tired but we’re proud that we’re able to rise to the occasion! May we go from Strength to Strength!

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